Our Process.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hire an interior designer? Are you a little confused by the process? We wanted to walk you through our process so you can see how fun and low-stress it can be.


First, you contact us via email (www.arrowpointinteriors@gmail.com) or phone (541-840-2250) and we chat about what you are wanting done in your home. Is it one room of your house that you need help with, a whole house redo, new construction, remodel, or just some new pillows and art? We discuss what the design dilemma is and how you want your home to feel. During this conversation we set up a time we can come to your home and look at the room(s).

Next, we go to your house and see the thing in real life. We go over what you are needing our help with, what your budget it, and what our process would be for your specific project.

After that, we will get busy crafting a proposal of what it will cost. Some of our starting prices are on our website (www.arrowpointinteriors.com) if you are curious. We will email you the proposal and the contract to sign. We require half of the total cost up front and the other half at completion of project. You read over the proposal, ask any questions you have, we can rework the proposal too and come up with something we all agree on. You sign the proposal and get us the deposit.


Once we receive the signed proposal and the deposit we get to work on your house! We usually like to have a second house visit during the project so we can keep your home fresh in our minds as we are working on what is needed for your home.

If we ordered new furniture for your home we like to do an install day and get it set up properly and style it attractively for you. Each home is unique thus each project is unique and we are very flexible and creative with each project.


Don’t be shy in reaching out to us and asking us to come over to see your home and talk with you about what we can do. Our in-home consultations are free. We feel very strongly that our homes impact our lives in very real and tangible ways. It is extremely important to have a space that inspires and takes care of you on a daily basis. If your home isn’t doing that it needs some attention.


Have a wonderful day!

  • Erica & Kendall